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Sultan Odukoya


"I’ve been with NEJR since October 2019 and if I was to describe our time till now it would be short, yet very, very sweet. By the time I had met Coach Corey I had already set my plans to go to the US in motion: the college I wanted to go to, my essays written and my SAT exam was on that weekend. However, I didn't have any support. Up until that point I had worked towards my dreams alone; everyone who I told of my dreams either laughed, scoffed or lectured me on probability. Those events developed a self-reliance that became something I had to overcome. Coach Corey provided me with a support base to overcome this. He was emotional support when my skeptics harsh words sowed seeds of doubt and the physical support to develop my skills. Most importantly, he supported my dreams. He gave me advice on how I should conduct myself when I arrive on campus and

beyond, wrote a statement on the man he knew I was and expanded my horizons. Though I didn't want to admit it, looking back I realise the harsh words of my doubters did take a toll. Prior to joining NEJR I was only applying for one college. However, with Coach Corey's belief that I could do better, alongside my SAT score of 1510, I applied to an additional six colleges and got a $252,000 scholarship to go to a college that superseded the one I had previously intended to apply to in all of my metrics. Thanks to this experience I’ve learned not to let people’s doubt in me affect me but use it as fuel for my aspirations, even if it is something like going to the moon! This is merely the first step of my journey, Phase 1. I thank Coach Corey for being like family to me, helping me take this first step. Now I’m mentally ready to trust others to come on this journey with me."

**Sultan is pursuing his passions at Vanderbilt University.

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